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Oct 25, 2017

It takes two hands to clap... to wings to fly... two to tangle... and two amateur radio ops to make a QSO! 

It's fun to read about field operations and look at images of hams doing amazing things in amazing places (like driving your Jeep down the side of a mountain). It's also fun to daydream about hauling your gear to...

Oct 11, 2017

There probably is no other piece of HAM equipment more ubiquitous than the Vibroplex key. For more than a 100 years, hundreds of thousands of Vibroplex keys have been produced and used on ships at sea, by railroads across continents, militaries and countless amateur radio operators. The most well known Vibroplex key...

Sep 25, 2017

If you're a CW op looking for something new to do, contesting maybe just what you are looking for. There are literally hundreds of contests each year. Some are big and some are small. Either way, contests are a great way ops can take their CW skills to the next level and have a ton of fun at the same time. 


Sep 11, 2017

Cody Codianni, KC2LSD, holds an Amateur Extra license, is a FISTS North America Board Member and manager of the FISTS North America club call, KN0WCW. He has achieved DXCC on numerous bands, including the very challenging 160M DXCC in 2017. Not only has Cody chased DX and accumulated a large collection of awards, he has...

Aug 28, 2017

All of us have most certainly began our CW adventure with the basic QSO. But after you have mastered the QSO, you're ready for another challenge.

If you're a little competitive, like developing your operating skills, and just want to see if you've 'got game', a QRP Fox Hunt is just the event you are looking for!...